Thursday 28 May 2015

Try Something New...

Let me tell you a little fact about me...I'm a bit of a creature of habit. I like my predictable, familiar routine where I like to do things in my own little way and sit, quite happily, in my comfort zone. But this year I've set a little challenge to myself to try things that are new and different - to me anyway. I guess this is a way of my pushing myself out of my comfort zone, finding new loves and adventures and increasing my social contact - something that since moving to a brand new place last year has been somewhat lacking.

my general life try something new

So what new things have I tried? Well as I'm sure you know if you follow this blog or my Instagram that this year I started practicing yoga, something that I've fallen well and truly in love with. I've also started regular pilates classes, made the switch to being vegetarian and very recently started learning the aerial hoop. I will also be trying my hand at clay pigeon shooting this weekend and I'm sure there'll me many more new experiences to come.

Do you know what has been really wonderful about all these new things I've tried? I've loved them all. They're teaching me more about myself and what my body and mind are capable of. If you'd have told me 6 months ago that I'd now be a yoga loving vegetarian I would have laughed you out of the room...seriously!

So, I urge you all once in a while to take a big daddy breath (that's totally a quote from the film Nativity), take a step outside of your comfort zone and try something new. It doesn't have to be a huge step, it could be a little baby step,  but just take a leap of faith and do it. You never know, you might just find something that changes your world for the better. 

Have you tried anything new recently? I'd love for you to share what it was either in the comments below or you could drop me a tweet @mygenerallife!

While you're here, why not check out my previous post - Symprove 12 Week Challenge: Final Thoughts

1 comment:

  1. good has in fact already disappeared by itself after few secs. Snapchat Login to turn on the Travel Setting on considering best.


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Jordan xx